There was so much suffering in 2020, so it is a relief to begin 2021. Of course, there is nothing magical about the clock striking midnight on December 31st. The virus still rages; there are still inequities; there is strife; our environment still struggles under the pressure of modern human life.
I have to admit, though, that for me 2020 was alright—thanks in large part to my work and my fantastic clients. You all helped me stay in business! We “pivoted” to on-line training almost seamlessly. You were all so gracious in making the change. And those of you who began working with me after only meeting me online, WOW! Thanks for your trust.
While craziness roiled, we saw each other regularly to work out, but also to commiserate. I enjoy each of you so much and am grateful that we have the technology to stay in touch even when we can’t leave our homes. Staying active and social were key to our general well-being, I’m sure.
The year 2020 was about adapting. We made do. We coped with change and uncertainty. And despite our fervent hopes, I anticipate that 2021 will be similar. I am looking forward to seeing you in-person again, yet “pivoting” back to in-person training will present a new challenge as I work to make the schedule work from a geographic perspective. (I have already looked at the map to see who lives near whom.)
There will undoubtably be new challenges as we face “new normals” in our ever-changing world. So as we enter 2021, I am hoping and expecting good things. I hope we build on the awareness we gained in this time: the importance of seemingly inconsequential social interactions out in our community, how our society works or doesn’t, how wonderful it is to be outdoors, and that we can rely on ourselves to stay motivated and active—even if it means simply knowing to ask for and get help.